Livestream summary


This is just a very short summary of the more important details from the youtube livestream from earlier.

A couple announcements were made. The band talked more in detail about the 'member produce days'. Although I will not be going into detail about that here. I'll wait for an official announcement to be made so I can get all the details right first. But the second day will be Hibiki's^^

Matenrou Opera have also announced that they will perform at this years Pure Rock Japan Festival, which will be on the 27th of June at Kawasaki Club Ciita. More information can be found on their official facebook page.

More over a new album was briefly mentioned to be on the planning as well as a bluray release of the Kyoumeisuru Shin'on concert from March 1st earlier this year.

Furthermore Ayame announced that they are working on making their releases available for purchase for overseas fans! I personally want to mention that you can in fact buy their new single on CDJapan as well^^

As a sidenote for those who wondered where Yo was. He had something else earlier that day and couldn't make it in time to the livestream. But he did finally arrive at the start of the fc livestream and brought Starbucks^^

